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VSync: что это такое, когда её следует включать или выключать

VSync: что это такое, когда её следует включать или выключать

Скорее всего, вы уже наслышаны о вертикальной синхронизации или VSync, если любите играть. О важности данной настройки постоянно твердят на всех форумах и в группах по интересам. Предлагаем узнать об этом побольше, чтобы определиться, будет ли VSync полезна именно вам, в каких случаях её включают, а в каких – отключают.

Что такое VSync

1. Check your TV’s sound settings

TV speakers often sound terrible, but most TVs have settings you can use to improve their audio. Recently, some friends called me to fix their TV sound — they said the dialogue was boomy and hard to understand. Upon arriving, I found the soundtrack was distorting at anything but the quietest levels. A look inside the settings uncovered why: Someone had created a weird Custom mode that had the bass jacked all the way up.

TV calibration

Fine-tuning your TV sound settings can make dialogue sound much more understandable.

Bass in particular is the enemy of understandable speech: It tends to hide the frequencies that help us decipher what people are saying. Rather than play with individual bass and treble controls, the easiest thing to do is to try the preset sound modes first.

1. Use your remote to access the TV’s settings menu, then look for a section called Audio, Sound or something similar.

2. At the top of the menu should be a selection of presets such as Movie, User or Standard.

3. While watching a speech-heavy show or movie, cycle through the modes to see which ones sound best.

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If you’re finding the dialogue is mumbly, for example, try a Dialog, News or Speech Boost mode. If that’s not available, Movie or Standard is the next best option.

Also, try cycling through audio enhancements like Bass Boost or Surround, which often harm dialogue, or Night Mode, which can help (or not). Every TV and every room sounds different, so it’s worthwhile to experiment.

If your TV has one, you can also try reducing the individual bass control like I did in the example above. (My friends didn’t even need the soundbar.) A little boost to treble may also help improve intelligibility. Once you’ve got the audio as good as you can, simply exit the menu. You usually don’t need to save it; the TV should remember.

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Log Retrieval via CLI

View Logs

To fetch your app’s most recent logs, use the heroku logs command:

In this example, the output includes log lines from one of the app’s web dynos, the Heroku HTTP router, and one of the app’s workers.

The logs command retrieves 100 log lines by default. You can specify the number of log lines to retrieve (up to a maximum of 1,500 lines) by using the —num (or -n ) option.

Real-Time Tail

Similar to tail -f , real-time tail displays recent logs and leaves the session open for real-time logs to stream in. By viewing a live stream of logs from your app, you can gain insight into the behavior of your live application and debug current problems.

You can tail your logs using —tail (or -t ).

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When you are done, press Ctrl+C to return to the prompt.

A real-time tail session is automatically terminated after one hour of inactivity.

Log Format

The output format of the heroku logs command is as follows:

  • Timestamp — The date and time recorded at the time the log line was produced by the dyno or component. The timestamp is in the format specified by RFC5424, and includes microsecond precision.
  • Source — All of your app’s dynos (web dynos, background workers, cron) have the source, app . All of Heroku’s system components (HTTP router, dyno manager) have the source, heroku .
  • Dyno — The name of the dyno or component that wrote the log line. For example, worker #3 appears as worker.3 , and the Heroku HTTP router appears as router .
  • Message — The content of the log line. Lines generated by dynos that exceed 10000 bytes are split into 10000 byte chunks without extra trailing newlines. Each chunk is submitted as a separate log line.


If you only want to fetch logs with a certain source, a certain dyno, or both, you can use the —source (or -s ) and —dyno (or -d ) filtering arguments:

When filtering by dyno, either the base name (e.g., —dyno web ) or the full name (e.g., —dyno web.1 ) can be used.

You can also combine the filtering switches with —tail to get a real-time stream of filtered output.

Log Message Ordering

When you retrieve logs, you might notice that they aren’t always in exact chronological order, especially when multiple components are involved. Logs originate from many sources (router nodes, dynos, etc.) and are assembled into a single log stream by Logplex. Logplex itself uses a distributed architecture to ensure high availability, meaning that log messages might be collected across multiple Logplex nodes and therefore be delivered out of order.

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